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MBSB Bank Joins eConfirm Platform

Dear Auditors,

We are pleased to announce that MBSB Bank has joined the eConfirm platform, effective from 15th June 2023. This enables MBSB Bank to receive electronic bank confirmation requests.

For audits involving government agencies audited by Jabatan Audit Negara, audits of foreign companies by foreign auditors, and non-business entities, please continue sending confirmation requests to the domicile branch where the account(s) are maintained.

With eConfirm, you can submit a single request letter for multiple facilities across various branches of MBSB Bank nationwide. Avoid submitting multiple requests for different facilities in different bank branches through eConfirm. Additionally, for multiple year-end confirmations, only one request letter is required, and the platform will auto-populate requests based on the selected financial year ends.

If your firm is not registered with eConfirm, please complete the registration form and email it to [email protected]. Complimentary training will be provided to your audit staff upon registration, allowing you to create profiles for your firm and clients, facilitating the submission of bank confirmation requests through eConfirm.

For a comprehensive list of participating banks, visit https://econfirm.my/participating-banks/.